Sunday, September 28, 2008
don't forget the lyrics!

Sunday, September 21, 2008
hey guys! mag here. okay. i know i abit luo suo already but.
haha actually there are two days.
the 26th is 'hug vegeterian day' organised by peta [ an animal welfare association dealing with animal abuse e.g fur coats and stuff].
the so-called formal one's on.
oct the 1st yeah. childrens' day.
so. you can go vegeterian on both. lose some calories as well x) and yeah marcus. its still okayy to drink milk. [ and eat eggs as well ;) ]
to end this off...
do go for YM camp if you can go. cause yeah. those like me, rach and mel who went we really felt god there. it isn't kinda like. ' oh, i love god. ' that kinda feeling. its really that kind which you feel his presence and stuff. kinda hard to explain but do go and you won't regret. =]
im already feeling pretty sorry that i'd most probably have to skip it due to dance syf practice.
so yeah.
do go if you guys can make it!
>.< argh. there's school tmr =[
Monday, September 15, 2008
hey guys! mag here.erm. we're having a study 'group' after church this sunday. at the pantry area [ outside the kitchen] . Chuu ling would be there to help us revise and stuff so yeah. do come if you can make it. but ofcourse. its okayy if you don't want to =]
the subj we're set on is science, but yeah. you can do any subj u're comfortable with. and its till around 4. though you can leave anytime =]
oh yeah. and. marcus. can help us buy lunch on that day? x)
P.S. don't worry. there's aircon and tables and chairs x) if end up that day we're so suay that someone is using it then. oh wells x) there's always nats library.
happy mugging!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
she's a witch!
This was the video I was telling you guys about today :)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Knowing Your Beliefs
Here's a list of the 5 key beliefs that we discussed today. We need to be careful of anyone who tells us something different- The Bible is God's revelation -- the Bible is 100% true and there is no need to for additional "scriptures" to add to its authority (e.g. the Mormons believe that you need to read the Book of Mormon to have the complete picture of God's revelation)
- Jesus is fully man and fully God -- if Jesus were not fully God, He could not have been the perfect sacrifice for our sins; and id He had not been fully man, He could not have died on the cross for our sins
- Doctrine of the Trinity -- God is one, but he exists in three persons (click here for more info)
- Salvation is through Christ's finished work on the cross -- Jesus' death on the cross has paid the full penalty for our sins, and we can only be saved if we believe in what Jesus has done for us and repent of our sins. God does not attach any other conditions to our salvation. (e.g.
- Nobody knows when the Second Coming will be (e.g. a number of cults had claimed that the world would end on 31 Dec 1999)
I've attached a video that I posted a while back. It shows the importance of knowing your Bible to aid you in fending off false teaching.