Thanks & Credits
Designer: fedora_girl :)
Image: Jamie Brelsford
Lyric: Jesus, Take The Wheel (Carrie Underwood)
Brush: Hybrid Genesis
Texture: The Magic Box
Font: Trashed, Adler
Edit: Adobe Photoshop

Thursday, October 23, 2008

please come! and surport me!!! ahahhaha and my choir!!! thank you!!! if u wanna come... erm... sms me okay!!! hahaa... PLEASE COME!!! thanks...

P.S rach and mag... im making it compulsary for you two to come!!! ahahaahahaaha...

Posted at 4:14 AM | Love, Mushroom Soup

Sunday, October 12, 2008

So for those of you who didn't check out my link, it goes to the IIDB/Internet Infidels discussion board. I visited it while researching for my blog. So there are a few very fundamental things wrong with this discussion board.
Its sole purpose (of this section at least) is to discredit religion, primarily Christianity. They do this remarkably well, because any Christian who joins and posts in that section (me) is banned/deleted. So there isn't any real debate except between hardcore atheists and more understanding ones.Not to mention the fact that it goes against what the Bible says...that's bad.
So I'm going to copy and paste what Julio(thats his user name) says here, and discuss it.

The height of agnosticism
Paul arrived in Athens and saw there an altar to the god “Agnostos Theos”, Acts 17:23, observing next to the spectators around that such was the god he worshiped.
That is, the god of all the AGNOSTIC “followers”; those who simply do not know any god or whether such exists.
Sure, it wasn’t the first time Paul LIED and told lies to his audience.
Every apostle lied and was ignorant like this one.
Meanwhile, the concept of “worshiping” an unknown god is utterly nonsensical, for the act implies a mental configuration of a form, even though vague.
If one has to add KNOWLEDGE to faith (2 Peter 1:5) so that it would function objectively, faith is therefore reduced in value.
The “Unknown God” had then to be worshiped by a blind faith, where knowledge had no place.
Hence the concept being totally absurd.
To worship the “Agnostos” god would be the height of agnosticism!
Paul’s god was nothing but one more deity of the Greek pantheon.
Who did he think he would deceive with that dim-witted observation?

This was pretty well dealt with with a moderator as follows:
Originally Posted by Julio View Post
The height of agnosticism
Paul arrived in Athens and saw there an altar to the god “Agnostos Theos”, Acts 17:23, observing next to the spectators around that such was the god he worshiped.

That is, the god of all the AGNOSTIC “followers”; those who simply do not know any god or whether such exists.
The word "agnostic" was coined in the 19th century to refer to those who wanted empirical proof before they believed, and now refers to those who refuse to take a position on an issue (or software platform).

The "agnostos theos" is not a god for agnostics. It is a god for polytheists who want to be sure of worshipping all gods and don't want to risk leaving any out - sort of like the tomb of the unknown soldier.

The evidence is that the Athenian polytheists did worship an unknown god.

Not too bad for an "infidel".

Did Jesus get drunk?
Jesus never had any trouble with drinking versus supporting the wine industry of his days. Doctrinally, if he drank even only one glass of commercial wine he was endorsing the business.
The tale goes that at a wedding he converted 600 litres of water into the best cabernet sauvignon, with enough alcohol to get the entire party drunk beyond self-respect.
But, wouldn’t you guess, adequate details are never included in any Bible story; and there must be a strong reason to hide them.
If there were one hundred guests at the wedding, it meant an extra supply of SIX LITRES of wine per soul!
Can you hold down that volume without a holy-tumbling flat on the ground [with alleluias and Toronto Blessing, Charismatic style]?…
The guests had already drunk all the stock, and it was Mary who asked Jesus to [stop being shy and] do his first miracle.
I have no problem to imagine or believe that “Our Immaculate Virgin” was inebriated enough to dance the cancan, together with the red-eyed disciples and even Jesus.
There were probably a lot more than a hundred. And the party goes on for days. Why do you think they needed so much? Also, wine in Israel at that time wasn't very high in alcohol content. It was also commonly diluted with water for more to drink. Enough said.
None of the apostles was a real convert to the Faith at that [or any other] time [we know nothing about at least SEVEN of them.]
It’s a serious problem:
If all were drunk except Jesus, he can nevertheless be accused of consenting into the drinking orgy.
In Moses’ days, fratricide was once practised to punish it (Exodus 32).
John has the nerve to state [SIXTY YEARS LATER] that Jesus started his messianic ministry with that exquisite miracle.
Even if they did get drunk, it's a party after all, as well as a pretty cool miracle.

Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments under his arm where it was written “Thou shalt not kill” and soon he ordered the killing of three thousand of those liberated men (Exodus 32:28) going to the “Promised Land” [having an orgy with the wine and gold that Jehovah told them to steal from the Egyptians].
Jehovah did not tell them to steal from the Egyptians. He instructed them to ask the Egyptians for "articles of silver and gold and of clothing". He also made the Egyptians "favourably disposed"towards the Israelites so that they would be free and willing to give the things to them.
Exodus 22.20: "
Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the LORD must be destroyed"
Moses upheld the law rather than breaking it. The Israelites were not "having an orgy", they were worshipping a golden calf.
Moses was the very first to read the commandments; the first to violate them!!
Why KILL after instructing “Don’t kill”? If you value the law you will uphold it.
What sort of god was that Jehovah he was defending? A "jealous" God, who cannot have any other gods before him.
A jealous god who created evil and cannot resolve anything without WAR and brutality! God does a lot of stuff without using war and brutality. Look through the Bible yourself.
Moses could have preached several sermons against idolatry and stealing wine and gold from the Egyptians (Thou shalt not steal), but he was also a murderer, a LIAR and a thief.
That can easily be proved in the text he wrote (believing fairytales and fables…).
He murdered when he was young and repented of the sin. I don't recall any incidents of lying or thievery. Your argument is now teh fail.
The guy also says that "all that(counter-arguments)is true, but the text mentions none of it." At the time during which the text was written, this was common knowledge.
He also says that the to discredit the Bible.
He should provide a fair interpretation, especially seeing as the title of his thread is to "explain" the Bible.
There's a lot more (r4p that he writes, but I'll just sum up with this
1 Cor 1:25:
For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength
Especially that he makes these arguments based on rationality

Posted at 2:07 AM | Love, MTV

Saturday, October 11, 2008
YM Camp 2008

YM Camp 2008: King of Glory
18th – 21st Dec ‘09 (Thurs - Sun)
Prince George’s Park, NUS

Sign up now!!!

Posted at 8:20 AM | Love, Marcus

Friday, October 3, 2008

YAY!!! HELLO EVERYONE!! IM POSTING!!! MUAHAHAHHA!!! ok so i dunno how many of you will see this.. i bet no one... but still... yea... so people please rmb to bring erm...
on sunday... me AS THE TREASURE!!! needs to collect...
-.-"' our poor MTV-BANK... is almost... oh wait... IS ALREADY BAKRUPT... yeapyeap... ahahahahaahhha so yea... PLEASE!! and if u wanna noe y we need to much... well... cause everyone has birthday... so when there is a birthday... then... it is called MANNERS... to give them a card... YEAPYEAP!!! ahahahahahhaha and we might be even thinking on "upgrading" to a SMALL gift... xD rather then a card... oh wells... we'll see... if WE HAVE A GOOD RESPONSE... xD AHAAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA SO AS FOR NOW... DONT FORGET THE $3... i owe my parents... T.T hahahhhhhaahhaahaha wa so money minded... @.@ AHAHAHAHAHHAHAH okok... hope u all understand what im saying... =x YAY!!!

Posted at 5:40 AM | Love, Mushroom Soup