Friday, February 22, 2008
FUSION update
Ok folks... here's the plan: we'll be meeting directly at ACS Dover tomorrow. I'll try to get there by 3pm, but I'm not sure what ACS Dover looks like, so I can't say where we should meet at this point. So here's what I'm going to do... let's all try to make it down by 3pm and I'll send a mass SMS to try and get everyone together. If you can't find us, just gimme a call.For those of you who are coming for the night service only, try to get there by 6:30pm and gimme a call. I assume that there's going to be alot of people, so we'll probably have to go in before 7pm to get seats.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
destination... again!

We'll be leaving from YWCA at 9am and will be back at Wesley by 5pm. It costs only $5, which is really cheap coz the ferry ride alone already costs almost that amount. The X-trainers have put in alot of effort to organise this event, so please lend them your support! :)
Please let Chuu Ling and I have your consent forms + $5 fast coz registration closes THIS COMING SUNDAY!!
fusion 2008!
As you all would know, this coming Saturday is Fusion 2008. The programme is as follows:- 3-7pm: Carnival
- 3-4:30pm: Forum -- Let's Talk About Sex
- 4:30-7pm: Musical/Dance items from various churches
- 7-10pm: Fusion 2008 (worship + sharing of the word)
For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory

When we think about "powerful" people, some names that come to mind might be Bill Gates (owner of Microsoft), George Bush (President of the USA), Lee Kuan Yew (our Minister Mentor) or even your school principle. These people are deemed as powerful either because of the amount of money they have, or the authority that has been given to them (recall George Bush's 'big red button'). If we had an appointment to have lunch with any of them, we would certainly make sure that we dress well and create a good impression.
The irony is that we also know that God is ruler of the Universe and all that's in it. In other words, He owns more than all these powerful people combined, and He certainly has alot more authority than all of them added up. Yet he scarcely receives the due respect and honour from us. We don't listen to His commands, and when we meet Him at church every Sunday, creating a good impression on Him is probably far from our minds.
We need to constantly remember 3 things about god's kingship:
- All things belong to Him
- all power belongs to Him
- all glory belongs to Him
Saturday, February 16, 2008
For the benefit of those who are still in the dark (myself included), YM is going to be from 8:30 to 10am tomorrow morning. See you there! :)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
lead us not into temptation

Something similar is actually happening in our Christian lives as well. Did you know that we have an enemy that is out to destroy our relationship with God?
On a daily basis, we face different types of temptation from Satan as well as our own sinful desires. Thankfully God assures us that He is stronger than Satan and that He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13). That means we always have the choice and power to say "NO" to temptation. For those of you who attended last year's camp, remember: "Others can, I cannot."
"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."James 4:7
Hope you all have a great week ahead! :)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
todays "lesson" hahaahahahhaahaha

we had to go through hard work too okay? HAHAHA...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Change of room
Hey everyone, please take note that from this Sunday onwards, we've been promoted to using room 806 which is on the 8th floor of YWCA. Hopefully we get a nice view :)
our daily bread
Ever wonder why this part of the Lord's Prayer does not read "Give us this day our daily X-Box game/Bleach episode/Live coverage of the EPL / WoW level up"? It would actually be pretty disturbing if that were the case.Last Sunday we talked about God as our provider, our Jehovah Jireh ("God will provide"). I'm sure most of you would have heard of the phrase "饮水思源" which reminds us to remember the source of our blessings. In the same way we always need to be mindful that everything we have comes from God.
Some people ask why we need to give offering every week as though we need to "pay" God for letting us come to church. The reality is that we're merely returning to God what is already His. So if you have $10 and give $1 as offering, think of it more as keeping $9 of God's money so that you can bless those around you.
Something to think about as we approach the Chinese New Year with Ang Pows galore... :)