Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Offical Ice-Skating Plan
Hey Everyone,
To avoid further confusion, here's the official plan for the ice-skating outing this coming Sunday. If you're interested in coming, please have your parents fill up the consent form that I've e-mailed to you all yesterday and turn up this Sunday at EITHER:
a) Dhoby Ghaut MRT station control (nearest to Park Mall) @ 9:20amor
b) Jurong East MRT station control @ 10:10am
I know some of you/your parents may be a bit apprehensive about ice-skating, so if the response turns out to be poor, then we'll do something else. So here's the important bit: PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU CAN MAKE IT ASAP.
For those of you who already SMS-ed me, please do so again after you've got your parents to sign the form so I know it's 101% ok :) Do also let us know if you'll be going to Dhoby Ghaut or Jurong East.
Remember to bring socks and gloves (if you have any), and pls wear long pants.
Looking forward to falling down on Sunday! ;)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Hey you guys! I just wanted to wish all of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS
And also a
All the best for the coming year and God bless! Hope we all stay bonded as a small group! :D
<3 Rachel
Saturday, December 22, 2007
hey guys! mag here again! ok.. since we all know tt next week there's no church r8.. rachel n i suggest tt we go ice skating @ fuji ice palace? what do ya all think bout tt? maybe we can like meet in the morn den we can go eat lunch tgt aft tt.. its besides JE MRT so i guess it'll be quite convinient for all of us. plz refer to the link for more info.. er.. n yep.. tag ur responses.. it'll be good if we can go in like multiples of 4.. its cheaper tt way... check out the link n tag your responses!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
hey guyss!!!! mag here... do ya wanna go out as a grp on this or next sun to celebrate ( more like mourn) the 2nd last/last week of holidaess? maybe we can go out for lunch or even go iceskating!! maybe ya all can den shop for unbot x'mas gifts? do tag your responses or anyother suggestions kayys?
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
camp afterglow
Wow! I must say that I was quite bowled over by the rave reviews below, but it's true: camp was AWESOME! :)
Honestly, on day 1 I was quite tired coz my Tribe Leader job seemed alot more arduous than what was described to me earlier. I pretty much had to shuttle between the 4 groups to get to know everyone a little better and help out the leaders who were having any trouble. While it was difficult at first coz I'm not much of an extrovert, as I got the hang of it, it was actually pretty fun coz you get to hear from all sorts of people and experience the different atmospheres in each group.
While initially I thought the camp would be really exhausting, by the last day, I was really sad that it was over so quickly, just as we were all getting the hang of it :( One key moment for me was on Day 2, just before the workshops when Pastor Alvin asked those who felt led to go to any one of the for corners of the hall to pray and re-commit their lives to God. I was a workshop IC so I actually had missed most of the sermon and had come in to bring people in my workshop to the correct venue. When Pastor Alvin made the call, I went behind those who came forward to intercede for them. During that time, God all of a sudden filled me with compassion for all the youths in YM to the point that I was tearing as I prayed. As I had shared with one of my groups in camp, for guys who don't cry very often, when your eyes start leaking (especially if there was no emotional build-up), you know that God is at work.
In some ways, camp is kind've scary for leaders coz you don't know what God's gonna do and whether you will be able to handle what He throws at you. But what I learnt from this camp is that God can use any one of us so long as we have a willing and obedient heart that cries out to him saying, "Here I am, use me." As you all enter into your second year at YM, I would encourage you guys to start considering joining one of the various ministries to serve others in YM just as you have been served. For those of you who are interested in video/phtography/creative arts can join 12 Stones, those of you who like music can join the Worship Team, and those of you who enjoy playing games can help out with the Crosstrainers. It doesn't matter whether you have the skills or the talents coz it's all about giving God our best and letting Him do the rest.
I hope all the testimonies on this page will be enough to motivate the rest of you to come for camp next year, and the good news is that you don't have to wait till next year to start getting serious with God coz it can start today! :)
For those who went to camp (i.e. Magdalene, Sarah, Rachel, Melanie, Marc, Joel and Natasha [for a while]), please feel free to approach Chuu Ling or myself if you have any questions about anything you heard at camp. There was one guy in Adriel's workshop who was aggressively challenging his arguments, which is good coz it's by asking questions and thinking critically that we grow :)
Honestly, on day 1 I was quite tired coz my Tribe Leader job seemed alot more arduous than what was described to me earlier. I pretty much had to shuttle between the 4 groups to get to know everyone a little better and help out the leaders who were having any trouble. While it was difficult at first coz I'm not much of an extrovert, as I got the hang of it, it was actually pretty fun coz you get to hear from all sorts of people and experience the different atmospheres in each group.
While initially I thought the camp would be really exhausting, by the last day, I was really sad that it was over so quickly, just as we were all getting the hang of it :( One key moment for me was on Day 2, just before the workshops when Pastor Alvin asked those who felt led to go to any one of the for corners of the hall to pray and re-commit their lives to God. I was a workshop IC so I actually had missed most of the sermon and had come in to bring people in my workshop to the correct venue. When Pastor Alvin made the call, I went behind those who came forward to intercede for them. During that time, God all of a sudden filled me with compassion for all the youths in YM to the point that I was tearing as I prayed. As I had shared with one of my groups in camp, for guys who don't cry very often, when your eyes start leaking (especially if there was no emotional build-up), you know that God is at work.
In some ways, camp is kind've scary for leaders coz you don't know what God's gonna do and whether you will be able to handle what He throws at you. But what I learnt from this camp is that God can use any one of us so long as we have a willing and obedient heart that cries out to him saying, "Here I am, use me." As you all enter into your second year at YM, I would encourage you guys to start considering joining one of the various ministries to serve others in YM just as you have been served. For those of you who are interested in video/phtography/creative arts can join 12 Stones, those of you who like music can join the Worship Team, and those of you who enjoy playing games can help out with the Crosstrainers. It doesn't matter whether you have the skills or the talents coz it's all about giving God our best and letting Him do the rest.
I hope all the testimonies on this page will be enough to motivate the rest of you to come for camp next year, and the good news is that you don't have to wait till next year to start getting serious with God coz it can start today! :)
For those who went to camp (i.e. Magdalene, Sarah, Rachel, Melanie, Marc, Joel and Natasha [for a while]), please feel free to approach Chuu Ling or myself if you have any questions about anything you heard at camp. There was one guy in Adriel's workshop who was aggressively challenging his arguments, which is good coz it's by asking questions and thinking critically that we grow :)
Monday, December 17, 2007

MARAH MARAH!!! top top: celab and jia wei
top:elizabeth, micheal, Johnathon, MEMEMEME,cheryl and joyce
bottom:yaan mEng, zackary (eeeWWww cant stand him), alex, gregory,janice,avril,Hialry
bottom bottom:ANDREW!! the joker... hahaha

MOSES IS THE MAN YO! [sang to the tune of barney, we came up with this song in like 5 minutes.hahaha]S!!! <<-- ACCRODING TO MY GROUPMATE
hEy mtv-ians!!! i went for the camp tooo!!! weeEEEEEEEEEee.. well sad thing was i wasnt in the same group as any of them... rachel, mag and chuu ling OR marcus.. XD anywaysss.. at first i was really pulled down this TRAGEDY which i thought was... but i prayed to the Lord to give me this strength the pull through and mix with everyone... and like HEY! i passed through it wonderfully LIKE SUPERB WONDERFULLY!!!! TO marcus (YO MARKIE -> <- [finger thing]) XD... sry for disturbing you abt the group... well i guess if it was really God's desicion to place me in a group where i knew no one or at least no one knew me.. cos i actually knew twp ppl but dunno if they rmb me.. anywayzzzzzzzzzzzz... yeapppppp sorry for troubling you lar... XD i have great fun with MARAH.!!!! WHOOOH!!! MARAH! MARAH! BUKIT MERAH!!!!XD... and and I
LOVE MY GROUP NOW.. ha! i made more frenz then rachel! actually.. not really coz her group is like BIGGER!! and she made good friends with some people.. good friends then make me not so good friends liao.... XD....then games were like some fun some boring... XD.... well herre are some snappies that i tooOok and some is well mostly is by Hilary.. erm my groupmate... hoping to get more from the 12 stones people....those i noe lar...

CHEZZE PEOPLE!!!! from left.. joyce/ME!ME!ME!/Hilary/Cheryl/Avril
LOVE MY GROUP NOW.. ha! i made more frenz then rachel! actually.. not really coz her group is like BIGGER!! and she made good friends with some people.. good friends then make me not so good friends liao.... XD....then games were like some fun some boring... XD.... well herre are some snappies that i tooOok and some is well mostly is by Hilary.. erm my groupmate... hoping to get more from the 12 stones people....those i noe lar...

CHEZZE PEOPLE!!!! from left.. joyce/ME!ME!ME!/Hilary/Cheryl/Avril

human checkers.. dunno wads going on.. this two were taken by Hilary... cos i was Away for performance...!! hahahaha

The camp was not all sermons and bible studies, there was fun and games as well! The games were really fun, dirty and disgusting. Nevertheless, the sermons and altar calls were fantastic and I believe I felt the presence of God (like in most church camps). I really grew spiritually and I'm more knowledgable about God (I think...).
The Singapore Sports School was nice and BIG. They had [ICE COLD] swimming pools and HOT SHOWERS! The dorms were really comfy and cold, even without air-con! My dorm partner was Magdalene and we had fun together. On the last night, our group even star-gazed and saw something you could never imagine possible in Singapore: We saw shooting stars!!! ;D I made alotalot of new friends and people and they were so great! (Like really alot of nice people)
The camp was really great and to be honest, I am camp-sick! I WANT CAMP! Please go for next years camp. I can assure you that you people will ABSOLUTELY not regret going! Enough to persuade you all to go?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
YM Camp
Hey Everyone, for those of you who are still in the dark, YM Camp starts tomorrow @ the Singapore Sports School! Just a reminder to those who are planning on taking the YM bus from Woodlands, please be at Berth 14 by 9am tomorrow. For those of you who are not coming for the camp, please remember that there will be no YM this coming Sunday coz we'll all still be at camp. Even if you're not signed up, you can still come for the Night Rallies on Friday and Saturday at 8pm. Just give Chuu Ling or myself a call if you plan on coming so that you won't get lost on the way.
For more info, go to
Monday, December 10, 2007
Hello everyone, I was bored and thus decided to create an image for MTV! Here it is! Give me your opinions! :D 
Its not very nice, I know but anyways! :D :D
Cya after camp!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Holy Communion
At YM, we take Holy Communion about once a month, yet many of us do it without really knowing why. Holy Communion really began at the Last Supper:
By celebrating Holy Communion, we remember Jesus' sacrificial death and glorious resurrection, and celebrate the hope we have in his promise of forgiveness. So the next time you take Holy Communion, know that its all about declaring and remembering what Jesus did for us on the cross.
Fyi, Holy Communion is also known by other names such as the Eucharist, Lord's Supper, Mass, etc.
When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God."The Bible tells us that everyone does wrong (in other words, everyone is sinful) and therefore everyone needs to pay the penalty for all the wrong things that are done. When Jesus died on the cross, he effectively was punished in our place and thus paid the penalty for our sin.
After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, "Take this and divide it among you. For I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes."
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me."
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.--- Luke 22:14-20
By celebrating Holy Communion, we remember Jesus' sacrificial death and glorious resurrection, and celebrate the hope we have in his promise of forgiveness. So the next time you take Holy Communion, know that its all about declaring and remembering what Jesus did for us on the cross.
Fyi, Holy Communion is also known by other names such as the Eucharist, Lord's Supper, Mass, etc.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
MOVIE ALERT: The Golden Compass
Hey!I know I sent this email to some of you but I would like to share it again just in case some of you didnt get it.
It's like a Christian's nightmare come true - an atheist movie disguised as harmless entertainment.
It brings to mind the prophetic words of 2 Timothy 3, especially verses 7-9:
1 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. 9 But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me.
There will be a new children's movie out in December called "The Golden
Compass". The movie has been described as "atheism for kids" and is based
on the first book of a trilogy entitled "His Dark Materials" that was
written by Phillip Pullman. Pullman is a militant atheist and secular
humanist who despises C. S. Lewis and the "Chronicles of Narnia". His
motivation for writing this trilogy was specifically to counteract Lewis'
symbolisms of Christ that are portrayed in the Narnia series.
Clearly, Pullman's main objective is to bash Christianity and promote
atheism. Pullman left little doubt about his intentions when he said in a
2003 interview that "my books are about killing God." He has even stated
that he wants to "kill God in the minds of children". It has been said of
Pullman that he is "the writer the atheists would be praying for, if
atheists prayed."
While "The Golden Compass" movie itself may seem mild and innocent, the
books are a much different story. In the trilogy, a young streetwise girl
becomes enmeshed in an epic struggle to ultimately defeat the oppressive
forces of a senile God. Another character, an ex-nun, describes
Christianity as "a very powerful and convincing mistake." In the final
book, characters representing Adam and Eve eventually kill God, who at
times is called YAHWEH. Each book in the trilogy gets progressively worse
regarding Pullman's hatred of Jesus Christ.
"The Golden Compass" is set to premier on December 7, during the Christmas
season (and staring Nicole Kidman), and will probably be heavily
advertised. Promoters hope that unsuspecting parents will take their
children to see the movie, that they will enjoy the movie, and that the
children will want the books for Christmas.
Please consider a boycott of the movie and the books. So many things today are darkness concealed in what appears to be innocent.